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白天的时候,水边和山脉旁有一片棕色叶子的树木,在白云下显得十分美丽。 (Translation) During the daytime, there are brown leafed trees near a body of water and mountains under white clouds, which looks beautiful.

  • 标签: 冰川 高清雪景壁纸 高清壁纸 高清水的壁纸 高清白色壁纸 总部背景图片 风景 自然图像 户外的 户外 河流 岩石 海洋 斯诺夸尔米 斯诺夸尔米河 树木 美国 华盛顿 冬天
  • 壁纸多为您提供白天的时候,水边和山脉旁有一片棕色叶子的树木,在白云下显得十分美丽。 (Translation) During the daytime, there are brown leafed trees near a body of water and mountains under white clouds, which looks beautiful.高清壁纸免费下载。白天的时候,水边和山脉旁有一片棕色叶子的树木,在白云下显得十分美丽。 (Translation) During the daytime, there are brown leafed trees near a body of water and mountains under white clouds, which looks beautiful.编号为3x56cu,格式jpeg,平均颜色#c0c0c0。壁纸多为您提供跟多类似白天的时候,水边和山脉旁有一片棕色叶子的树木,在白云下显得十分美丽。 (Translation) During the daytime, there are brown leafed trees near a body of water and mountains under white clouds, which looks beautiful.壁纸下载
  • 编号:3x56cu
  • 尺寸:5682x3196像素
  • 颜色:#c0c0c0
  • 格式:jpeg